sna poems, series supplementum #44: newell and ann meyer nature preserve

this preserve is 652 acres donated by the meyers a ways back. there’s oak savanna, a wood, wetland, and small agricultural land that the nature conservancy is sprucing up back into prairie. they had just done a burn on some of the restored prairie before we arrived.

the morning was turning from sprinkly to downright rainy by the time we got there, and the rain only got heavier. but an enjoyable walk anyhow, and in ways even more so for all the wet. willows and hazels putting out catkins, lots of fungus, serious lichen colonies on the shagbark hickory, sandhills calling once again, and, most surprisingly, two swans flew into the wetland as we watched them from the wood.

first id of what i think is bark mycena (the tiniest mushroom you ever did see).


downwind from the burn

bird partners

two white rafts enmarshed


log fungal splendors

all ruddy—

the shins growing wet

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